Founded in 1988, the Turkish Tourism Investors Association (TTYD), as the voluntary representative organization of the tourism sector, represents the Turkish tourism sector on a national and global scale, and aims to carry Turkish tourism to a leading position in the world by ensuring the development of the sector in line with sustainable development goals on both investment and business basis and the interaction of the sector on a global scale with its members consisting of all tourism components of the sector.
TTYD develops policies, position papers, medium-long term transformation strategies and develops unique and competent projects in effective communication and interaction with all sector stakeholders by utilizing the technical know-how of its professional staff, academic collaborations and member organizations in order to create a branded and financially strong tourism sector that has achieved digital transformation with its members who have invested 60 billion dollars in the tourism sector and provided employment for 130 million people.
The message of the president
Oya Narin
Dünya Seyahat ve Turizm Konseyi’nin (WTTC) raporlarına göre, küresel turizm ve seyahat ekosistemi 2023 yılında 9,5 trilyon dolar büyüklüğe ulaşmıştır. Bu ekosistemin, 2033 yılında %50’den fazla artışla 15,5 trilyon dolara ulaşması öngörülmektedir. Bu büyüyen ekosistem içinde, Türk turizmi Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yılında 57 milyon turisti ağırlayarak 56 milyar dolar gelir elde etmiş ve bu başarıyı pandemi, Ukrayna-Rusya savaşının etkileri ve deprem felaketine rağmen sektörün dayanıklılığı ve kararlılığıyla sağlamıştır.

TTYD in Numbers
+0 Milyar

Dollar Investment


Bed Capacity

Yacht Capacity

Plane Seat
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